Philmont - 2020
The Boy Scouts of America's premier high-adventure base challenges Scouts and Venturers with more than 200 square miles of rugged New Mexico wilderness. Backpacking treks, horseback cavalcades, and training and service programs offer young people many ways to experience this legendary country.
Scouts and Adults will need to meet certain physical and age requirements to participate. Scouts and Scouters that do not meet those criteria should not register.
Philmont participants must be at least 14 by September 1 of the year they attend, or have completed the eighth grade and be at least 13 years of age prior to participation. To avoid disappointment, please do not request or expect exceptions! Requirements for Philmont participation cannot be relaxed. Please visit the Philmont website for detailed criteria that all participants MUST meet in order to attend Philmont.
Del-Mar-Va Council has secured 2 crews, each consisting of up to 9 youth and 2 adults per crew. The expedition runs from June 28-July 10, 2020. These dates do not include 2 travel days to Cimarron to help the crews acclimatize to the altitude change. The crews must each have a majority of youth participants and require a minimum of 2 adult leaders that meet BSA standards as stated in the Guide to Safe Scouting. The spaces are available on a First Come, First Served basis.
The cost for this trek is projected to be: $2,525 The fee is subject to airline costs and should be finalized in December 2019. Payments are due in the following order:
- $250 dollars (non-refundable) deposit due with registration
- $575 by 8/1/2019
- $575by 10/1/2019
- $575 by 12/1/2019
- Balance due by 2/1/2020
**Please Note - There is a $25 per person late fee for any payments not made on or before the due date.**