Cecil District Program Messages - August 2013
Further information can be found at www.delmarvacouncil.org
The Main Thing

“To serve and ever increasing number of youth through quality units”

Headlines of the Month




General Messages

Nick Henry is our new Cecil District Executive. Originally from Michigan, Nick is an Eagle Scout. Following high school, he served our country in the Marine Corps for four years.  After attending George Williams College, Nick started with Delmarva Council as the Scoutreach Executive and was named Cecil DE in July.  Please warmly welcome him to our District.

The 2013 Friends of Scouting campaign in Cecil District is only $614 short of its $9,000 goal. If you have not made your pledge, now is a great time to do it. Contact Nick Henry at nhenry@dmvc.org.

We have discussed “Mentally Awake” during recent Roundtables.  There were two recent published articales that all Scouters should read.  The first can be found in the June 2013 issue of The Buzz and is titled “Literacy Matters”.  The other artical is by Bryan Wendell and was published in the May-June issue of Scouting Magazine.

The Unit Key 3:  Does your Unit have a Key 3?  Check out https://delmarvacouncil.doubleknot.com/district-commissioner/the-unit-key-3/54152 to see why you may want them.

Scout Leader Training

Cub Scout News

Cub College 2013

What is Cub College?

  • Cub College is an annual get-together of Cub Scout leaders.  Cub College is a training conference that takes place in a festive atmosphere.
  • Cub College is a “convention” for pack leaders—the Cubmaster should take all leaders to this learning extravaganza.

Why should I go?

  • Cub College offers a time for all new, prospective, and experienced leaders to learn new things, share ideas and see what the other packs are doing.  For registered leaders, Cub College meets the supplemental training requirement for leader recognition awards (training knots)—for more information ask your District Training Chair.

Day Camp Available!

  • As a service to the dedicated leaders who wish to attend this event, a Day Camp will be offered for all Cub Scout aged children (boys & girls) of leaders attending the Cub College. This way you and your children can have fun and learn lots in Scouting all on the same day. $15/Child
    • Location: 500 W. Chestnut Hill Road, Newark, DE
      • Check-in Opens at: 8:30AM
      • Opening Ceremony: 9:00AM
      • Closing Ceremony: 3:00PM
Boy Scout News

  • In the past Cecil County has honored new First Class Scouts at a County Commissioner’s meeting.  We are returning to this program in 2013.  Troop leaders will be contacted in January of 2014 with a list of those Scouts on record as having received their First Class badge in 2013.   The Scouts and their leaders will be invited to Cecil County Council meeting in the Spring to be recognized and receive their certificates.
  • Are looking for an interesting camping trip?  Overnight camping is available at Fort Delaware State Park.  Fort Delaware is former Union prison camp and was a defensive fortification through World War I. It is accessed by boat from Delaware City.  For more information, contact caroline.foltz@state.de.us.  Also see: http://www.destateparks.com/park/fort-delaware/
  • Eagle Recognition Letter: The Sons of Union Veterans are happy to provide a recognition letter to new Eagle Scouts.  David Greenplate, Sr., Cubmaster of Pack 120, is a member of and Eagle Scout Award Coordinator for the Colonel David L. Stricker Camp #64.  If there are any Eagles interested in a letter from this group, send an email to DGreenplate@gmail.com.   The letter can be presented at the Eagle COH if they are interested.  If they'd like, this could presented by David in civil war uniform and possibly provide a uniformed color guard. 
  • The Baltimore Area Council is proud to be at the front-end of STEM programming.  STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  We have built a strong tradition over the past two years with events at Fort Meade, Aberdeen Proving Ground, and several other locations across Central Maryland. For more information and to sign-up for this wonderful event, check out http://www.delmarvacouncil.org/event/1361683.
  • The Principio Furnace Foundation is looking for some Scout Unit partners.  The Scouts would provide assistance with service projects including nature-related work (bird houses, trails, etc.) as well as general clean-up.  Principio Furnace has a rich history in Cecil County and is a great place to camp.  For more information, contact Sarah Colenda (scolenda@principiofurnace.org, 443-466-3647).