Cecil District Program Messages - January 2013

Further information can be found at www.delmarvacouncil.org

The Main Thing

“To serve and ever increasing number of youth through quality units”

General Messages
  • The location of the February 2013 Round Table will be Elkton Presbyterian Church.  The time will be 7PM.

  • Round Table Bad Weather Policy:  In the event of bad weather or the threat of bad weather, please check your email for possible cancellation.  The decision to cancel Round Table or District Committee meetings will not necessarily be based on school closings.

  • New Tour Plan policy and planning tool, see:    http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/HealthandSafety/DEMOTourPlanFAQ.aspx

  • Please report your service hours – link on Council website for Good Turn for America.  Log-in to this through the Commissioners tab – see menu on the left side (user name and password needed).  See recent issue of The Buzz

  • Would your Unit be interested in participating in hosting a Scout event or display at next year’s Cecil County Fair?  Contact:  Norm Wehner or Allen Sievert (410-392-5361)

  • For excellent general information on Advancement, see the National Website:  http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/GuideToAdvancement.aspx

  • “.., my duty to God..”  Even if your Charter Organization is not a church, now is a good time to make plans with a local church for Scout Sunday (Feb. 3). Units are encouraged to attend a worship service as a group and possibly to serve in a capacity the church may suggest.  Note that some churches may choose to celebrate Scout Sunday at a different time.  See pp. 14-15 of this month’s Scouting magazine.

  • “Where in the world does that patch go??”  see: bsauniforms.org

Scout Leader Training
Cub Scout News

Interested in outdoor-related educational programs? Check out the following local resources:

The University of Delaware has a very interesting Mineralogical Museum that may be helpful to Webelos Den working on the Geology Activity pin.  Beginning Feb. 6, the museum is open Wed-Sunday from noon until 5PM and Thursdays from noon-8PM.  See:  www.udel.edu/museums/mineralogical.html for more information.

Boy Scout News

Lowe’s National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant ($100); See recent edition of The Buzz for details
The Iron Hill Museum in Newark has posted its schedule of merit badge offerings.  For more information check our our District's Iron Hill Page or go to www.ironhill-museum.org.  The museum will be sponsoring Robotics MB in two sessions:  Jan. 19 and Feb. 2. 1-4PM. $25; see the website for details.
The Merit Badge Counselor List is now available to everyone!  Go to Delmarva Council Website - Advancement & Recognition Tab.  Username & password is “mbclist”.  
Woodbadge 2013

Wood Badge April 12-14 and May 3-5 2013 @ Henson Scout Reservation

Wood Badge for the 21st Century is open to all Scouters (18 and over); Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorers, Venturing, Sea Scouts,  District and Council Volunteers. You will learn contemporary leadership skills that will change your scout unit, your workplace and yourself. This is a fun course that mixes classroom learning with games and activities to reinforce the program.
For registration and more information goto www.dmvc.org/woodbadge or contact Course Director, Keith Davis daviska@comcast.net / 302-453-1882.
Jokes & Riddles

  • What do you throw out when you need it and take in when you don't need it? - An anchor!
  • What belongs to you, other people use it a lot, but you hardly every use it? - Your name!
  • How do you know if there's an elephant under your bed? - You bump your nose on the ceiling. 
  • What's in the middle of a jellyfish? - A jelly button
  • What does the winner of the race lose? - His breath
  • What starts with T, ends with T and is full of T? - A teapot
  • What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean? - A blackboard
From Ballo' Buggle - January 2013
Interesting Quotes

“Very interesting for an old duffer like me to try his hand at something new. If I don't do that once in a while, I might just turn into a fossil, you know!.” – Norman Rockwell

Our greatest national resource - the minds of our children - Walt Disney
From Ballo's Buggle - January 2014