Cecil District Program Messages - June 2014
Further information can be found at www.delmarvacouncil.org
Headlines of the Month



General Messages
  • Our next District Round Table will be held on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 7PM at North East United Methodist Church.  There will be no Round Table in July.
  • If you would like to sign up for a time slot at the County Fair to promote your Unit and Scouting in general, contact Nick Henry (nhenry@dmvc.org).  The Fair will be held from July 19 to July 26.  Time slots are 11-2, 2-5, 5-8, and 8-10.
  • Scout Units are encouraged to participate in the June 14th Flag Day Ceremony at North East Community Park.  The Ceremony will begin at 6:45PM at the flag pole located by the Gilbert Lighthouse Pavilion.  Refreshments will follow the ceremony.  
  • Mark your calendars!!  The STEM Scouting Day at Aberdeen Proving Ground will be Saturday, September 13, 2014, 8:30AM to 3:30PM.
Scout Leader Training

Why are we always talking about TRAINING?

  1. Because every Scout deserves a trained leader.
  2. Because it is required that youth-facing leaders are trained in the position they are serving as well as in Youth Protection.  

Units are encouraged to have a Training Coordinator that track the training status of your adult leaders.  More information on training can be obtained at: www.delmarvacouncil.org/openrosters/view_homepage.aspx?orgkey=1568

Check out these web sites:

Upcoming Training in Area 1

Area 1 (includes Cecil District) Scouters are welcome to attend Training events in other Areas. For details go to the Delmarva Council Website/Training Tab: www.doubleknot.com/openrosters/view_homepage.aspx?orgkey=1568

  • The Boy Scouts of America has partnered with Healthy Kids Out of School to offer an incentive to units to follow the BSA's SCOUT Strong recommendations at meetings, events, and excursions.  Earn the Healthy Unit Patch by taking the 3-6-9 Challenge:
    • 3:  Serve a fruit or vegetable at three meetings
    • 6:  Make water the main beverage at six meetings
    • 9:  Include 15 minutes of physical activity at nine meetings

For more details see the artical in The Buzz: http://scout-wire.org/2014/03/20/three-steps-to-healthier-scouting-units/

Cub Scout News

  • When planning your calendar for the Fall, don’t forget to include the Cecil 500!  This push-mobile at the Elkton Fall Fest (Sept. 20) is a great way to kick off your Cub Scout calendar.
Boy Scout News

A useful document for leaders interested in orienting new Scout parents to the Boy Scout program may be found at the National BSA website titled "Orientation for New Boy Scout Parents".
Cecil District Honorees

Cecil Unit Journey to Excellence Ribbons

  • Bronze:  P367, T144, T302, T367, T371
  • Silver:  P348, T22, T336
  • Gold:  P120, P131, P163, P336, P443, P444, P555, T131, T173, T226, T231, T348, T443, T444

Eagle Scouts 2013 

T131 Kennard Richard Dill - earned 9/5/2013
T131 Robert Ingram Jackson  - earned 9/7/2013
T144 Thomas James Lawrence-  earned 3/4/2013
T144 Nicholas P. Fonash - earned 8/26/2013
T144 Kyle Edward Plata -  earned 9/23/2013
T336 Shane Tanner Geisler - earned 4/17/2013
T443 Samuel Joseph Waters - earned 3/19/2013
T443 James Patrick Fossler - earned 11/12/2013
T443 Logan Farrell Kline - earned 11/12/2013

First Class Scouts 2013  

T22 Matthew Steven Dymowski
T22 Gideon Logan Peterson
T22 Joseph Lindsey Youngman
T131 Nicholas Rodney Guiberson
T131 Stephen McKinney
T131 Christopher A. Nordhoff
T144 Richard Joseph Pavao
T144 Johnathon Edwin Perkins
T173 Joshua Quinton Brostrand
T348 Sean Curtis McMullin
T348 Charles William Mack
T348 Nathan Michael Jackson
T348 Derek Abrego
T348 Teryl Zevon Cain
T443 Matthew Lloyd Boyle
T443 Cadan Andrew Hartten
T443 Jacob I. Waters
T443 Zachary J. Worton
T444 Jacob S. Spencer

District Commissioner Distinguished Service - Allen Sievert

OA Honor Chapter and Introduction of Chapter Officers

James E. West Award – Kevin Hornberger

Veterans Awards

-15 yr Veteran Award:  Robert Farr (SM T131)
-20 yr Veteran Award:  Scott Spencer (T444)
-20 yr Veteran Award:  Martin Gandy Jr. (T22)
-35 yr Veteran Award:  Ben Feril (Commissioner)
-43 yr Veteran Award:  Gordon Tozer (Commissioner)
-45 yr Veteran Award:  Allan Loomis (Dist. Member at Large)

Round Table Attendance Awards

1st place – most adults attending:  P131
2nd place – T131
Consecutive RT attendance: P/T131 & T336

Adult Training Knots and Leadership Awards 

- P120: Tiger Cub Den Leader Award: David Greenplate Sr.
- P131: Tiger Den Leader Training Award: Pamela Tamargo
- P131: Tiger Den Leader Training Award: Carol Cameron
- P131: Tiger Den Leader Training Award: David Lenderman
- P163: Tiger Den Leader Training Award: Linda Blake
- P131: Wolf Den Leader Training Award: David Lenderman
- P163: Wolf Den Leader Training Award: James Albert
- P131: Bear Den Leader Training Award: Elizabeth Lowe
- P131: Bear Den Leader Training Award: Pamela Tamargo
- P131: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: Elizabeth Lowe
- P131: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: William Barrell
- P131: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: Carol Cameron
- P131: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: David Guiberson
- P163: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: Guy Blake Sr.
- P336: Webelos Den Leader Training Award: Jamie Mitchell
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Bruce Cameron
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Pamela Tamargo
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Steve Ulrich
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: William Barrell
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Anita Halsey
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Carol Cameron
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: David Guiberson
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Kevin Hornberger
- P131: Cub Scouter Award: Derrick Lowe
- P163: Cub Master’s Key: Linda Blake
- P131: Cub Master Award: Bruce Cameron
- P336: Cub Master Award: Kenneth Acquaviva
- P120: Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting: David Greenplate Sr.
- P163: Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting: Guy Blake Sr.
- P443: Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting: James Malin
- P444: Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting: Kimberly Quirk
- P444: Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting: Michael Moore Sr.
- T336: Boy Scout Leader’s Training Award: Michelle Ravert
- T371/T226: Scout Master’s Key Award: Michael Moore Sr.
- New Unit Organizer Award: Kim Quirk (T226)
- New Unit Organizer Award: Michael Moore Sr.(T226)
- New Unit Organizer Award: Karen Kuhn (T302)
- New Unit Organizer Award: Dave Hager (T302)

FOS volunteer list: 100% or $16,000 raised on 4/11/2014

- Derrick Lowe (family fos chair/ presenter) Parent of Scout in T131
- Steve Dymowski (steering committee chair/ presenter) Parent of Scouts in P120/T22
- Ben Feril (steering committee member/ presenter) P/T444 Unit Commissioner
- Kevin Hornberger (steering committee member / presenter) T131 parent / volunteer
- Mike Tetrault (presenter) Scout Master T173
- Nancy & Richard Bogan (presenters) Parents of Eagle Scout from T336
- Guy Blake (presenter) Committee Chair P163 Parent/ Committee Member T22
- Robert Ward (presenter) Parent T131
- Mark Mears (steering committee member) T131

Cecil 500 – P120  

Dave Greenplate
Chris Brown
Mike Collins
Steve Dymowski 
Erin Dymowski
Mike Venters
Toni Hartman
Jennifer Redmond
Jodi Rizzo

District Pinewood Derby

Bruce Cameron
Keith Paylor
Christina Paylor
Todd Lynch
Rosie Farr

Commissioned Service Awards

Commissioner Award of Excellence and Arrowhead -  Ben Feril
Most Commissioner Visits in Cecil District, 2012 – Gordon Tozer

District Award of Merit - LauraLee Eskaros (P443)