Cecil District Program Messages - May 2013
Further information can be found at www.delmarvacouncil.org
The Main Thing

“To serve and ever increasing number of youth through quality units”

Cecil District Day Camp


CECIL DISTRICT Packs and Troops (and those you know who LOVE TO VOLUNTEER)

It is Day Camp time again for Cecil District.  We have had one of the most successful Day Camps in DelMarVa Council for years thanks to our volunteers!
This year's Day Camp will be held on June 24-28 and the theme is WILD WEST!  We are in need of volunteers for the following positions (Must be 18 yrs or older). Even if you can only offer a day or two, we greatly appreciate every hour we receive.  We can also split shifts (if you can only help 8-12 we can offer the 12-4).
  • Health Officer:  Red Cross Certified (if interested but not certified, we can help with that) or anyone who is a Medical Professional. 
  • Station Leaders: We currently have a few stations (Scout Skills, Water slide) that we need both Leaders and Assistant Leaders for.  
  • Den Walkers: Without Den Walkers, camp is impossible to run!  We will do our best to put everyone where they request to be but please understand that if each pack does not supply 1-2 volunteers for each rank, we will need to place volunteers where we need them.  
  • Floaters:  Want to help but can only volunteer for 1 day or even a half day?  We can always use extra ADULTS!  Every hour helps us to run a safe and smooth day camp.
Remember: Many employers may offer volunteer hour incentives.  Please ask your HR department for more information.  
We do have a Wolf Cub who has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes and his parents really want him to attend but have reservations.  If anyone can volunteer as our Health Officer who has experience with Juvenile Diabetes and/or is a medical professional, we would really appreciate it.
Any youth 14 yrs and older who is interested in earning service hours for school are also welcome to help.  
Please contact our Program Director Michelle Thomas via email at chelly121180@aol.com.
Yours In Scouting,
Laura Lee Magee-Eskaros
Cecil District Day Camp Director
Merit Badge Counselors


It is time for each of you to renew your interest and commitment to continue to counsel Cecil District Scouts on Merit Badges.  If you are still willing to counsel on the Merit Badges that you applied for, all I need is an email from you saying “Keep me on the list!” If you want to keep counseling but want to change any of your badges, just complete a new Counselor application (http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf) and email to me at tdatajr@gmail.com.  If you don’t reply by May 25th, you will be dropped and have to resubmit your adult application and Merit Badge Counselor application all over again.
If you know of adults who are willing to counsel but are not on the current list, please ask them to fill out BOTH the adult application (http://iroec.webs.com/documents/BSA-Adult-App.pdf) and Merit Badge Counselor application forms (http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf). Social security number is required if you are not currently a registered Scouter. Background checks will be performed on new counselors who are not currently registered. Applications are welcome at any time throughout the year.  New counselors can scan the completed forms and email to me or paper mail to my home at: Thomas Data, Jr., Elkton, MD 21921
Tom Data
Merit Badge Dean
General Messages
  • Unit Leaders:  Remember that early bird rates for Henson SR, Rodney SR, and Cub Scout Day Camp expire on June 1st.

  • Volunteers are needed for this summer’s Cecil District Cub Scout Day Camp (June 24-28).  See above for details.  

  • Would your Unit be interested in participating in hosting a Scout event or display at next year’s Cecil County Fair?  Contact:  Norm Wehner or Allen Sievert (410-392-5361)

  • Unit Commissioner News:
    • Commissioner Basic Training:  Saturday, May 18 in Salisbury
    • Delmarva Commissioner Conference:  Saturday, June 8, Duncan Center in Dover, Cost: $20.00
    • If you are interested in serving Cecil District as a Commissioner, please contact Allen Sievert at allen.sievert@yahoo.com.
  • For Scout Leaders looking for an interesting outing opportunity for their Units/Den/Patrols, visit: www.masondixontrail.org/.  This site is devoted to the Mason-Dixon Trail.  This 193 mi. Trail connects the Appalachian Trail with the Brandywine Trail.  It runs from Whiskey Springs in PA on the AT to Havre De Grace, MD, across the river to Elk Neck State Forest to White Clay Creek State Park in Delaware and ends at Chadds Ford, PA.  The above site gives provides extensive mileage information to help plan an event.  For a local portion of the trail, from the MD State Line to Iron Hill Park in Newark, DE is 4.4 miles.  From Iron Hill to White Clay Creek State Park Nature Center is 11.4 miles.  This portion of the trail alone offers much in the way of historic context and nature-related advancement.

Cub Scout News

  • Interested in outdoor-related educational programs? Check out the following local resources:
    • DuPont Environment Educational Center:  www.delawarenaturesociety.org
    • White Clay Creek State Park:  destateparks.com/programs
    • John Dickinson Plantation, Dover, DE.  Free admission.  The simple machines exhibit would be of interest to Webelos Engineers.  Phone:  302-739-3277.
  • The University of Delaware has a very interesting Mineralogical Museum that may be helpful to Webelos Den working on the Geology Activity pin.  Beginning February 6, the museum is open Wed-Sunday from noon until 5PM and Thursdays from noon-8PM.  See:  www.udel.edu/museums/mineralogical.html for more information.
  • Mark your calendars!  Area 1 Cub College, September 28, 2013!
Boy Scout News

  • Lowe’s National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant ($100); See recent edition of The Buzz for details
  • The Merit Badge Counselor List is now available to everyone!  Go to Delmarva Council Website - Advancement & Recognition Tab.  Username & password is “mbclist”.
  • If you are looking for an interesting trip with a military/aviation theme, check out the Air Mobility Command Museum in Dover, DE.  Free admission.  Phone:  302-677-5938.  See:  www.amcmuseum.org
  • Life to Eagle Training:  Sunday, May 19, 6PM at Wesley United Methodist Church.  This is for Life Scouts and Boy Scout leaders.
  • Eagle Recognition Letter: The Sons of Union Veterans are happy to provide a recognition letter to new Eagle Scouts.  David Greenplate, Sr., Cubmaster of Pack 120, is a member of and Eagle Scout Award Coordinator for the Colonel David L. Stricker Camp #64.  If there are any Eagles interested in a letter from this group, send an email to DGreenplate@gmail.com.   The letter can be presented at the Eagle COH if they are interested.  If they'd like, this could presented by David in civil war uniform and possibly provide a uniformed color guard. 
  • The Baltimore Area Council is proud to be at the front-end of STEM programming.  STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  We have built a strong tradition over the past two years with events at Fort Meade, Aberdeen Proving Ground, and several other locations across Central Maryland. Check out www.baltimorebsa.org/stem/47522 for additional information.