Three Rivers District Scout Friday News Flash - 16 Mar 07 (DK)

Friday March 16, 2007             * Please forward this email along to your pack leaders and committee members

District Awards Dinner was Rescheduled to 5/12/07 (was 4/14/07)

Welcome New Member - Rick Suhrbier, 3 River's District Director

I have been in the Scouts since second grade.  Earned my Eagle in 1996.  I have served on summer camp staffs in NY and PA for over 10 years and have been serving on the National Camping School Aquatics staff since 2000.  I am coming to Three Rivers District from Cradle of Liberty Council where I was serving as a Senior District Executive for the past 4 years.

I look forward to working with everyone and I am very excited to be a part of the Del-Mar-Va Council and the Three Rivers District Team.” 

Rick Suhrbier

District Dinner Donations

"Each year in the past, we have asked each Troop and Pack to donate $10 from their units to help with the district dinner.  If you have donated already - - thank you.  If you haven't we would greatly appreciate your support. Please make checks payable to "Del-Mar-Va Council" and in the Memo write "Dinner Donation" and mail it to the following address:"


Delmarva Council

801 North Washington Street

Wilmington, DE  19801

Thank you!

Toni Eastwell


To improve communications, the Three River’s District has decided to deliver a weekly email to the all Troop Scout Masters and Pack Cub Masters in our district.  It is intended to be brief and contain information that is important to you, the scouts, and parents.  We are building the email distribution list in a new tool called Double Knot.  We hope you find the information helpful and use it to enhance your quality program.

Pack Contact Information

We are building a single pack contact database for all pack leaders and committee member (not parents or scouts). To ensure we have the most current information for your pack, please click here and email our webmaster.

District News

Learn what’s new at our home page!

New! Double Knot is a new system that will streamline event and training registration.  Using this online system, packs will be able to build a roster and pay online.  We used this system for the Merit Badge College classes and registered over 700 Scouts!

District Calendar

Learn what is planned for each month such as district events, district Round Table meetings, and upcoming training classes.

Training Calendar

New Training Opportunity with Choptank District

Friday April 13th - Sunday April 15th

Nanticoke Lodge - Henson Scout ReservationCost $25For more information, check the Scouter (p.17) or Choptank's training calendar on the Del-Mar-Va Council website.

Upcoming Training Opportunities with Three Rivers

** Please register by cut-off date **
Den Chief Trg-TR: 3/24/2007
WELOT/IOLS - TR: 3/30/2007 - 4/1/2007
Youth Protectn Trng - TR: 4/10/2007
Baloo Trng - TR: 4/21/2007
Woodbadge - Session I- HSR: 5/18/2007 - 5/20/2007
Woodbadge - Session II-HSR: 6/1/2007 - 6/3/2007

Three Rivers District Website: District Events

Signup for District events online with Double Knot.  More information is coming soon.

District Awards Dinner Rescheduled
to 5/12/07 (was 4/14/07)
When: May 12th at 6pm
Where: New Castle United Methodist Church
Who's Invited? All Three Rivers District Scoutmasters, Cubmasters,
Leaders, Committee Members, Adult Volunteers and their spouses. Cost: $12.50/person

Due to multiple District activities in April (Pinewood/CubORee), the Three Rivers District Committee has rescheduled the annual District Awards Dinner to May 12th. This, we hope, will allow more to attend our celebration of scouting leadership and support those who are recognized as outstanding members of our district.

We encourage Packs & Troops to reserve a table (seating 8). Tickets must be purchased prior to the event and will be sold until May 1st. Reservations can be made at Roundtables (March 13th & April 10th) or individually through Mike Merritt.

New! Boy Scout & Cub Scout Day at the National Constitution Center Philadelphia, PA
Saturday, April 21
, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Enjoy a fun-filled day learning about our country while you meet requirements or work toward badges! On April 21, 2007 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. the National Constitution Center will feature activity tables, workshops, and shows just for Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts! You can also explore the entire museum as you earn a commemorative National Constitution Center Fun Badge. Scout leaders and parents will receive a scout packet and agenda to lead them throughout the day’s activities and events.

Flag Ceremony, Flag Folding, and Learning the Pledge of Allegiance - 2d
Visit the museum - 1g
Meet with a Police Officer and Firefighter - 2g
Fun and Games - 3
The Show Must Go On - 21
Phone Manners - 26
Emergency! - 27
See a Performance - 36

Your Flag - 2a, 2b, 2c, 2e, 2f, 2g
Knowing Your Home & Community - 4a, 4f
Be Safe at Home and on the Street - 9c, 9d
Family Fun - 10f
Be an Actor - 2e
Play a Game - 4f

What Makes America Special? - 3a, 3b, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3i, 3j
Law Enforcement is a Big Job - 7a, 7b, 7d, 7e, 7f
Family Fun - 10a
Be Ready - 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d
Games, Games, Games! - 15b, 15c
Masks - 10

Community Activity Badge-Citizen - 1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15
Mental Skills Activity Badge-Showman

Boy Scouts can participate in several activities to earn credits toward
American Heritage and Citizenship in the Nation merit badges. A guided tour and a special interactive performance of The Citizenship Show will help scouts better understand what it means to be a citizen of the United States. Scouts can also participate in outdoor flag ceremonies and other related activities that can be found throughout the day.

Requirements Covered:
American Heritage Badge - 1, 2a, 3b
Citizenship in the Nation Badge - 1, 4, 5, 7, 8
Book your Troop or Pack today!
Reservations: 215

Scouts: $11
Adults: $9

One free scout leader for every 10 scouts!
Additional adults: $9

Scout day group rates include all programs, admission to the National Constitution Center, and a commemorative patch.

Three Rivers District Website: Request an Update
To request updates or make suggestions please click the link at the bottom of the email.  It also appears on the website. This will send an email to Harry Fisher, our new district Web Master, with the information partially pre-filled to make it easier.


e are hosting the 2007 NE-4C CONCLAVE at Henson Scout Reservation June 8-10 (sign up now)
If you have
questions please call Dan Lantz, Chapter Chief @ 1-302-378-8469.

We encourage all
arrow man to sign up and complete the registration form on line. It's quick and easy, just go to the April calendar and click on the event date. Remember to bring a copy of your latest medical form. Adult OA members come out and go for your Brotherhood membership.

The following events are coming up:

District Pinewood Derby
Saturday April 1
4th, from 11-3pm at St. Joseph’s Church, Middletown – hosted by Cub Scout Pack 125. For additional information including directions, please click here

District Cub-o-ree
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – 4/27-29/07, Camp Rodney

Thanks for  your patience as we built our email distribution list

For website updates, please click the type of request (Contact, News, Calendar, Events, Suggestion)