March 24 - 26, 2023
A 16-hour BSA Wilderness First Aid Course will be presented on March 24-23, 2023 at Akridge Scout Reservation in Dover. Breakfast will be provided for Saturday and Sunday and lunch will be provided for Saturday, as well as water and coffee. Dinner will be on your own.
For those that wish to camp, please check in Friday evening or you can commute to the camp each day by 8:00 am each morning.
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is the assessment of and treatment given to an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care of a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available.
Time is the major element distinguishing Wilderness First Aid from Standard First Aid. When calling 911 is not an immediate option, or when help is hours or even days away, the task of treating the ill or injured can challenge your "standard" first aid skills. Heat, cold, rain, wind, darkness, and distance over land or water may separate you from definitive care and evacuation may also need to be improvised from what is available. Communication with the "outside world" may be limited or unavailable. All of these things may very well be part of the WFA world.
The course is for those who plan trips to remote areas far from "normal" EMS Services, providing hands-on skills practice for the remote site.
Wilderness First Aid is required at each B.S.A high-adventure location. Check the specific locations for specific requirements and exceptions.
Must be a registered Scouter or Scout over the age of 14, and currently certified in CPR.
Your payment of $130. includes meals as stated, materials, and a WFA Field Guide.
Upon completion of the course, each participant will receive a card good for two years.
As a result, the class is limited to 10 registrants to hold class. Any questions should be directed to Pat Weaver at (302) 632-0942 or neiv156@hotmail.com