Greetings Choptank Volunteers!
Your District Membership Team is your district resource to help you retain your current members and to increase your new membership of both boys and adults.
“What’s new this year for Fall 2012 recruitment?”, you ask. We’d like you to consider doing your JSN (Join Scouting Night) at the closest elementary school instead of where your Pack meets. “Why?”, you ask. New families are probably more familiar with that location then where your Pack meets and JSN at the school might result in more families attending.
REMEMBER, JSN is different than attending the school’s open house night, where you will be one of many organizations. We are planning on doing our JSN training again this year, probably sometime in August, this year in a separate meeting from the Idea Exchange Roundtable meeting.
Please contact us if you have any questions and make sure to check out the useful links below.
Fall 2012 JSN Dates/Survey Local Council Resources National Council Resources
Plan on attending our 2012 Membership Kickoff and Join Scouting Night Training:
August 9th @ St. Mark's United Methodist Church in Easton, please check back for more info.